Monday, February 28, 2011


Gosh we laugh a lot in my family. Particularly when my sister is
around. She's one of those people that gets the giggles and can't
stop. And that sets everyone else off.

Tonight we were all in fits at the state of her poached eggs. They
were abysmal. Just a big round, HARD ball of yolk sitting on her
toast. No whites to be seen anywhere.

And by the time we'd finished laughing, I think they were cold!

I LOVE laughing.


Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people
won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically
liberates others.

Marianne Williamson (speech written for Nelson Mandela)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sooo much has happened...

Okay, so I've been MIA for the last week because we moved down to
Christchurch... and the very next day a devastating earthquake hit the
city! We took my mum and got ourselves out of there quick smart. No
mucking around.

So then we spent the next 3 days getting ourselves back to Whangarei.
And here we are. Safe and sound, unharmed... and wondering what we're
going to do now.

Others are not nearly so lucky to be in this predicament. The fatality
count is now at 145. There are many more.

How many people get so close to tragedy and can come out so unscathed.

It's my second chance you think?

Friday, February 18, 2011

I forgot...

I've been having such a great time here in Whangarei that I forgot to
miss my life in Sydney!

Forgot to miss having a place of our own.

Forgot to miss the weather.

Forgot to miss the beach.

Didn't forget to miss my friends tho. :-)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hairdressers in Whangarei?

Jeepers, you'd think it would be easy to find a hairdresser in your
area on the internet?

Apparently not.

Not like Sydney where almost every hairdresser has their business on
the internet somehow. Things are a little different here in Whangarei.

So let me introduce you to Hairdressers Whangarei.

You can find them here.

AbCoaster Reviewed

Click here if you're
interested in seeing my squidoo lens about the AbCoaster. It looks like an
awesome machine to target your abs without putting a tonne of strain
onto your lower back.

Peach Pie Galore!

Oh the peach pies are a hit! Made a big one last night and the Price's
took the leftover half home with them. Aunty Potts has been dropping
huge (unsubtle!) hints at another pie for tonight. So we've picked
peaches this morning, I've just peeled and sliced them all and I'm
waiting for the pastry to thaw so I can make up a pie.

Yumm yumm!

Geez I love my life

It's really very simple, my life, that is.

But I love it so much at the moment. I get to stay home all day and my
one 'stress' is making sure that I get enough content written and
syndicated every day. I get to be with my whanau, especially those
closest to me and I get to live in my wonderful country.

I'm excited about our move to Christchurch and the new experiences
that will entail, and I get the pleasure of knowing we can be with my
Ma for at least the next few months.

You don't get much luckier than me.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


It's absolutely amazing what you can get these days. (Sheesh that
expression makes me sound sooo old and dottery) The abcoaster targets your abs
in a safe way without putting stress on your body, in particular your
back. Check it out here:

Driving And Peach Pie

Yesterday we drove down to Auckland (2hrs) to pick up Mum and bring
her back up here to Whangarei. It was a good trip down but by the time
we'd picked her up at the airport and started making our way back, I
had a monster headache and Ben was feeling sick. So poor Ma had to
drive all the way back! She didn't mind though. I'm so glad I have
such a capable mother, she doesn't NEED us to look after her, she can
do quite well on her own... but she lets us look after her a little
bit. :-)

And Peach Pie... Ben and I made a Fresh Peach Pie for the first time
ever and it was delicious! So easy, once we'd figured out what we were
doing, and soooo yummy! :-)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Poached Eggs

I had already said last night that this morning I wanted to have a
sleep in. So this morning I got woken up at a very respectable 8am and
told that the water was in the pan waiting till I was ready, then the
eggs would be put in and the toast cooked. Coffee was ready and
My husband makes THE most perfect poached eggs on the planet and
that's what I got for breakfast this morning.
I'm still blushing with delight!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I just stuffed myself silly on the peaches in the garden. The trees
are absolutely laden with fruit even though the fruit is only small.
Most of them are still quite firm and even have a tinge of green on
them, oh but they are ripe, juicy, sweet and delicious!
These weren't around when we were growing up or maybe they were but
we'd all gone back to school for the year and missed out on the
harvest? Either way... I'm making up for lost time now.


I still have quite a few gaps in my knowledge about what activities
are the most important/relevant and what's not. But as I keep going
and testing for myself (as PotPieGirl keeps saying!!) then I know it
will become much clearer to me.

So the learning curve has been quite steep over the last few weeks in
particular. It's like all the stuff that I've learnt over the last
year or so is finally all gelling together and making a bit of sense.

For the first time ever I'm finding myself wanting to spend ALL my
time doing this stuff because I understand it's importance, I know the
benefits it will have for me over time and, it's not as mind-numbingly
boring when I'm doing my own system rather than just blindly following
someone else.

More and more good stuff to come.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thyromine - I've been using it for a few months

And I LOVE it.
I was amazed to learn that there are literally thousands upon
thousands of people who suffer from hypothyroidism (and underactive
thyroid) and they don't even know it. But the, I didn't know either so
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

I had a look at thyromine reviews and decided to give it a go. So glad I did.

Uncle Wayne & Dion

Are here for the weekend and I couldn't be happier!
I keep finding more and more reasons to be happy that I'm back here in
NZ. The main one is that I'm with all my whanau again.
There's not much I miss about Sydney. My friends I miss. And my
income. Oh and my car that came with the income. But that's it!
The friends are not lost and the income & car can be released.
Pretty happy today I am. :-)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Weddings Whangarei and more...

Last year my cousin Ange was trying to organise her wedding on the 1st
January 2011 up in the Bay of Islands. She was looking for wedding and
bridal suppliers here in Whangarei because that's where we spend most
of our time and where the old homestead is. She lives in Perth,
Australia so of course all of her searching was done online. What a
shock to find that businesses here in Whangarei haven't quite got
properly on the band wagon about making themselves available on the
internet. It was a nightmare for Ange trying to get as much stuff
sorted out before she got here.

So I'm trying to remedy that problem. First stop was to create a
website about weddings whangarei.
Second stop is to get it ranking in the google search engine.

I'm On A Freakin Roll

And I'm pumping out the work now. Have I mentioned how I LOVE this stuff?? :-)

See another one. DONE.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More Squidoo

Been keeping busy still getting all my squidoo lenses updated and looking good.

I wish I could do this stuff forever. I love it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Settling In... And Finding a Dentist

Finding a good dentist is hard at the best of times. But then we had
to find one when we moved here. And like most we had plenty of horror
stories. Here they are:

Waiting, waiting, waiting...

So yesterday I sent off a proposal for doing some work for a web
design company in Sydney. Hope it comes about, I love doing this SEO
gig waaaay more than being tied to going to an office every day.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Okay so here's a totally random one that may get a few tongues
wagging. It's not meant to. It's just a website that I'm working on
and has a big demand online.

It's all totally G-rated content and may be very helpful to some people.

I hope so.


So I've been spending a lot of time on the internet lately. Updating a
lot of my sites and squidoo lenses, fixing links, getting rid of old
sites and generally doing a very big clean up.
I've been amazed at just how much work I had done when I wasn't even
trying that hard. Man if I just committed to this thing I could get so
much content out onto the net and it would be quality, unique,
excellent content out there. Gee I've just gotta get my butt moving
and make it happen!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Waitangi Day is the day we commemorate the signing of the Treaty of
Waitangi in 1840. So we went up to Waitangi and enjoyed all the
displays, food and entertainment. Stinking hot though.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


It's been another scorcher of a day today.
I couldn't get cool no matter what I did. Cool showers, sitting in
front of the fan. So I just sat as still as I could and remembered how
glad I am that I'm not in a cyclone in Northern Queensland or in a
severe storm somewhere in the States.

I think I just too lucky sometimes.