Monday, May 30, 2011

Decision time


Whangarei isn't turning out to be quite the right place for Ben and I.

I LOVE being here with my family, but work is just so few and far between and the pay is very, very low. Especially for unskilled labour. Even me with all my office experience and glowing references can't get more than $20/hour. Enough to pay our bills but not much more than that.

So it's decision time for us. When my contract at Golden Bay finishes around about August then we're going to have to decide what we're going to do, or... where we're going to go. We have to go somewhere where there are more jobs available and the pay is reasonable. Maybe back to Australia except maybe this time we'll go to Brisbane or Perth. At the moment it's anyone's guess.

I don't actually want to go anywhere. I would really like to stay and make our 'base' here. So I have to make our business work. Getting on to it now...



A little bit later than normal...

Normally I post these sites as soon as they've been made. But these one's were made yesterday... I felt sick and couldn't stick at it long enough to post about them. But here they are now!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Weekend that was

Well it's been a very productive yet oddly relaxing weekend! I've managed to build 15 websites... yup FIFTEEN!

Here's the last 5 that I have just completed:

I'm a happy girl tonight. Got my wine, the bacon bone soup is almost ready and I've finished a good weekend of work and relaxation.

Yep. Life's good. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Sometimes I can get a little neglectful of this blog. I had set myself the challenge of writing on here every day and sometimes I am woefully forgetful! These last few days have been that!
And I fear it's not going to get much better very soon. :-)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mamma Mia!!

Phew what an afternoon!

I've managed to get four sites all built at the same time.

Like a bulldozer rumbling down the street... no one can stop me now!!

Boom, boom, boom... BOOM!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

More, more, more...

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm a little bit weird or something. But I'm getting a kick out of getting all of these websites built.

It feels really good to pump out the work. Now we've got to get them making money... somehow.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hot Chocolate

What is it about a hot chocolate that makes everything alright?

Very nice way to start off a weekend I say.


Two more sites

The slide into winter has well and truly begun.

But I'm happy. We've got a cozy little place to call home and I got new slippers!

We're gonna be spending our evenings and weekends building this business of ours. (Well I am... I'm on fire about this business model!)

And by the time summer comes around again, it'll be bringing in an income that will see us starting to live the life we've dreamed of for years.

Here's one site I built tonight...  and one that I forgot to finish off properly a few days ago:


Monday, May 2, 2011