Friday, July 29, 2011

Another article

You know, I've found the hands down the best way to get any new article I've written out into cyberspace in super quick time. I add it to my posterous network of blogs and with literally minutes my new article is indexed and out there in the world.
I love it. I think it's a super efficient way to get my work read by as many people as possible.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

One place that I haven't really been doing much writing is at ArticlesBase, so I decided to write an article there last night and today they approved it!

You can read about my reserach in to creatine here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's Taking a While

My back is still sore. I came home at 4pm today instead of 6pm... I just couldn't sit at my desk any longer. But at least I'm back at work, it was great to have last week off work but not much fun when you can barely move.

Anyway... I'm even writing about where to buy creatine on squidoo. I'm learning heaps too.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Is this the right way round?

I'm not totally sure that I'm doing things in the right order here. But I've written another article on creatine that you might be interested in. It might look a little bit strange because I've written it on an old blog that I'm not using anymore... and that old blog is about learning the japanese language by taking an online language course.

So it might look a little strange but ... well... maybe you're getting used to that by now?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Slightly Different Track

So I've created a new site that's a little bit different to the other ones. It's about where to buy Creatine online. Creatine is a supplemeent that many athletes use (well actually it's an organic acid that your body creates and your muscles use... but they've created a supplement) to help them with their workouts. It boosts the athletes ability to train harder for longer.

I know it's a bit of a departure from the other work that I've been doing but I think it's really interesting.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


im beyond annoyed and frustrated.

yesterday morning i did something to my back just getting out of bed... and have barely been able to move since. one finger typing with the netbook on my chest is getting boring really quickly.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

457 Immigration Visa Requirements for Australia

For many immirgrants heading into Australia on a 457 visa (employer sponsored) they now have to provide proof that they have purchased relevant health insurance for themselves and their family. If you're heading to Perth check out my post on 457 health insurance Perth and if it's Melbourne that you're going to, you can read my post on 457 health insurance Melbourne.

Long Days

I don't know why today seemed like such a labouriously long day... it might have something to do with the headache that sent me to bed early last night. Oh and working 10 hour days... but really, 10 hour shifts aren't that bad when you sit on your back side all day and do stuff that's not too mentally challenging. There are people that do it a lot easier than I do so there's certainly no complaints from me!

What is hard work for me - more mentally challenging, is trying to build websites that are full of good and useful content. I wrote another blog post last night. Income Protection Insurance Melbourne - still on the insurance theme, but I hope I'm not spreading myself too thin.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Head Space

I've been trying to work on my head space lately...

I want to be able to be really productive with my time but it seems that no matter how much time I have I seem to easily fritter away 70% of it. Of the other 30% only about 10% of it is really productive and I want to somehow change all that.

I know I have the motivation, it's now a question of making myself have the discipline. One thing I have recognised though, is that some times of the day are better for working that others.

I've decided that if I can't do and hour and a half at night, then I'll just take myself off to bed early and get up at 4.30am to do the work. So far it's effective because the thought of having to get up at 4.30am is making me sit here and work solidy for 1.5 hours in the evening.

And this evening, this is what I've produced.
Insurance Melbourne and Life Insurance Canberra

Friday, July 8, 2011

Weekend Fun

It's been a great weekend so far.

For one... I'm not sick anymore! Just a few dregs of the cold I had last week but mostly all better.

Got up VERY late this morning (like, after 10 o'clock) and had a lazy Saturday breakfast with Ben. And then did some more work this afternoon.

Health Insurance Melbourne and Health Insurance Perth. Getting Australia covered now.

And in a little while we're off to dinner with the whanau to celebrate Aunty Potts' new job. And I'm told that it's her treat! :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Health Insurance

I've been on a real insurance roll today. Here's another article I've written for one of my sites:

Health Insurance Auckland

Writing away

I've written two posts over at my site about all things insurance in Whangarei. One is a little bit out general insurance and why it's important to have it. And the other is about health insurance with a little bit of a cost comparison if you had to pay for procedures yourself.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Today I sat in a meeting from 8am right through to 4.30pm.


And that's all I have to say on that!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Slow Internet

My internet is going at a snails pace today.

Can you believe that we all used to have dial up... and it used to be enough? Now dial up speed is only enough to send some over the edge!!!!