Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sunny Sunday

Gosh it's been such a beautiful day today. It lulls me into this false sense that summer could possibly be on it's way already. Oh I wish!

As is our normal Sunday after ritual, Ben and I went and did our grocering shopping today. And I had that horrifying moment at the check out when the check out chick says my card was rejected. WHAT!?!?!?! And then I remembered... I had bought two things online and had forgotten to transfer the money over from my savings. So onto the credit card it went. I hate it when I do silly things like that. But oh so grateful that little mistakes like that are fixed easily enough.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today I had a look at a type of creatine that I hadn't looked at before. It's called Amplified Creatine 189 and it's by GNC. It seems to be one of the most popular types of creatine on the market and it's easily available on Amazon. People seem to trust Amazon more, maybe it's because they're so big and they sell such a huge range of products. I get that.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Ben is sitting right across from me going on and on about Manhattans. He's reading something from wikipedia I think about what they're made of, the history and what books and movies they feature a lot in!

Yep an interesting Saturday night in our household!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Ages ago (well, 2 years ago or so) I started building a series of squidoo lenses. I had just learnt about squidoo from my wonderful mentor PotPieGirl AKA Jennifer Ledbetter (can you call someone your mentor when you've never met them in person and they wouldn't have a clue who you are?!) as she was introducting me to free ways of getting your content online.

Well I found this memory improvement course by a company called ZoxPro. They teach all about mental photography and developing photographic memory. It was suprising for me to learn that essentially we are all born with a photographic memory. That's how as babies and children we can learn so rapidly. So I just wanted to link to the squidoo lenses so you can have a look if you're interested.

I've already put a couple of links in the paragraph above but here are the other 3 lenses:
Photographic Memory Development
Get Photographic Memory
How To Develop A Photographic Memory

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Family Dinner

Tonight we're off to dinner with my sister, mum and aunty.

We've started a little habit if you will. We went to dinner a few times and talked about how we all love to eat out and how there are plenty places here in Whangarei that we can all visit. It gives Ben and I a chance to sit with them and just hang out... although I wouldn't be suprised if they're sick of hanging out with each other since they live together.

And tonight we're off to... the local working mans club!! Yep. Good hearty food, cheap food and cheap beer. Suits all of us perfectly (for different reasons :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Lifestyle Design Movement

For about the last 4 months or so I've been reading a lot of blogs about entrepreneurs who are on the 'Lifestyle Design' bandwagon. I think it was Tim Ferris (of 4 Hour Work Week fame) who first coined or at least made popular the phrase 'Lifestyle Design'. It's all about creating for yourself a lifestyle that allows you the time and money to do what you want with your life. Rather than being chained to a job that you hate for 40 hours a week only to save up enough time and money to go on a holiday and do what you actually want to do.

Ben and I have been chasing this kind of lifestyle long before Tim Ferris talked about it, but now there are a lot more people who are doing it (long before I've found any success at it!!!) and now write about it. I LOVE these blogs... I find them inspiring and encouraging, and I learn heaps from most of them.

Maybe one day I'll write about it too... but first I'm going to just concentrate on making it happen.

Snow in Auckland?

Wow, an icy blast from Antarctica has hit New Zealand and we don't know what to do with ourselves!?

The South Islanders are used to cold and snow but here in Northland we all go a bit loopy when it gets too cold!

Over the weekend I pretty much stayed holed up in our cozy little house and wrote some more about creatine and worked on my other websites.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Forgetful Betty

That's what my new name should be. I can't believe that I forgot all about this blog! Just totally forgot that it was here and that I'd committed to writing here regularly. By regularly I mean every day. You can see that hasn't been happening!

But I have still been writing. Lots actually. Maybe that's why I'd forgotten all about this blog.

I'm back now though, and it's not in my forgettory any more.

But of my writing away from here has been about a supplement called creatine that many athletes use to enable them to train for longer and harder. You can buy creatine online at my new website and it's not too hard to find cheap creatine either.

Monday, August 1, 2011

I Spent Today In Court

Yeah I know, not exactly the most delightful place to spend an afternoon. But I'm a witness in a case and I didn't get to testify today so I've got to go in tomorrow. I'm really hoping that it doesn't take all day. It's a totally emotionally draining process and I simply cannot wait until it is over.

But on another MUCH nicer note. I had to leave work at 1pm today and my boss told me to put till 4pm on my timesheet. How nice is that! I know it's only another 3 hours but I think it's so generous of her and it makes me feel like she values my work and recognises that I try my best to do a good job for her. I'm tickled pink by her gesture :)

And I've been writing more tonight too. I'm trying really hard to consistently write so that I get better at it and so that there is lots of my content out there on the internet.

My topic of writing over the last couple of weeks is where someone could buy creatine online. Creatine is a supplement used by many athletes and body builders as it provides an increase in the energy that our muscles use. It means that athletes are basically able to work themselves harder... and reap the benefits of pushing their bodies further and for longer.

In the article I discuss some of the side effects of taking creatine and the good news is that there aren't many, and they aren't that bad either. So that's a good thing.