Monday, August 1, 2011

I Spent Today In Court

Yeah I know, not exactly the most delightful place to spend an afternoon. But I'm a witness in a case and I didn't get to testify today so I've got to go in tomorrow. I'm really hoping that it doesn't take all day. It's a totally emotionally draining process and I simply cannot wait until it is over.

But on another MUCH nicer note. I had to leave work at 1pm today and my boss told me to put till 4pm on my timesheet. How nice is that! I know it's only another 3 hours but I think it's so generous of her and it makes me feel like she values my work and recognises that I try my best to do a good job for her. I'm tickled pink by her gesture :)

And I've been writing more tonight too. I'm trying really hard to consistently write so that I get better at it and so that there is lots of my content out there on the internet.

My topic of writing over the last couple of weeks is where someone could buy creatine online. Creatine is a supplement used by many athletes and body builders as it provides an increase in the energy that our muscles use. It means that athletes are basically able to work themselves harder... and reap the benefits of pushing their bodies further and for longer.

In the article I discuss some of the side effects of taking creatine and the good news is that there aren't many, and they aren't that bad either. So that's a good thing.

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